Referência da Classe TacNDJavaLib
Métodos Públicos | |
native String | J_DGetErrorString (int jnErrorValue) |
native String | J_DGetLibVersion (int jdwFlags) |
native String | J_DGetJNIVersion (int jdwFlags) |
String | J_DGetJNIJarVersion () |
native String | J_DGetHsmInfo (byte[] jhSession, int jdwParam, int dwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DGetHsmInfoByte (byte[] jhSession, int jdwParam, int dwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native long[] | J_DGetHsmInfoLong (byte[] jhSession, int jdwParam, int dwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
synchronized native int | J_DOpenSession (byte[] jphSession, int jnPort, String jszUserId, String jszPassword, String jszAddr, int jnFlags) |
synchronized native int | J_DOpenSessionOtp (byte[] jphSession, int jnPort, String jszUserId, String jszPassword, String jszOtp, String jszAddr, int jnFlags) |
synchronized native int | J_DOpenSessionAtoken (byte[] jphSession, int jnPort, byte[] jbaAToken, String jszAddr, int jnFlags) |
native int | J_DCloseSession (byte[] jphSession, int jnFlags) |
native int | J_DCRLCertCheck (byte[] jhSession, String jszCRL, String jszCertId, String jszVerifyInfo) |
native int | J_DCreateHash (byte[] jphSession, int jnAlgId, byte[] jhKey, int jdwFlags, byte[] jhHash) |
native int | J_DSetHashParam (byte[] jhHash, int jdwParam, byte[] jbaData, int jdwDataLen, int jdwFlags) |
native byte[] | J_DGetHashParam (byte[] jhHash, int jdwparam, int jdwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DHashData (byte[] jhHash, byte[] jbaData, int jdwDatalen, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DHashData (byte[] jhHash, byte[] jbaData, int jdwOffset, int jdwDatalen, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DDestroyHash (byte[] jhHash) |
native int | J_DECParam2AlgId (byte[] jbaECParam, int jdwECParamLen, int[] jnaAlgId, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DECPubKeyDER2AlgId (byte[] jbaECPubKeyDER, int jdwECPubKeyDERLen, int[] jnaAlgId, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DGenerateKey (byte[] jphSession, String jszKeyId, int jnAlgId, int jdwFlags, byte[] jhKey) |
native byte[] | J_DGenerateKeyMaterial (byte[] jphSession, int jnAlgId, int jdwReserved, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DGetUserKey (byte[] jphSession, String jszKeyId, int jdwFlags, byte[] jhKey) |
native int | J_DGetUserKeyOffline (byte[] jphSession, String jszKeyId, int jnAlgId, boolean jbTempKey, byte[] jbaPubKey, int jdwPubKeyLen, int jdwFlags, byte[] jhKey) |
native int | J_DDestroyKey (byte[] jhKey, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DRemoveObj (byte[] jhSession, String jszObjId) |
native String[] | J_DListObjs (byte[] jhSession, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native String | J_DGetKeyParam (byte[] jhKey, int jdwParam, byte[] jbaData, int[] jnaDataSize, int[] jdwaData, boolean[] jboaData, int jdwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DSetKeyParam (byte[] jhKey, int jdwParam, byte[] jbaData, int jdwDataSize, int jdwData, boolean jboData, String jszData, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DWriteFile (byte[] jhSession, String jszFileId, int jdwFileSize, byte[] jbaData) |
native byte[] | J_DReadFile (byte[] jhSession, String jszObjId, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DImportKey (byte[] jhSession, String jszKeyId, byte[] jhKEKey, int jdwBlobType, int jnAlgId, int jdwFlags, byte[] jbaData, int jdwDataLen, byte[] jhKey) |
native byte[] | J_DExportKey (byte[] jhKey, byte[] jhKEKey, int jdwBlobType, int jdwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DImportPKCS12 (byte[] jhSession, String jszPkcs12File, String jszPkcs12Pwd, String jszKeyId, int jdwKeyAttr, String jszCertId) |
native byte[] | J_DPKCS8ExportKey (byte[] jhSession, String jszKeyId, String jszSecret, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DPKCS8ImportKey (byte[] jhSession, String jszKeyId, String jszSecret, int jnAlgId, int jdwFlags, byte[] jbaData, int jdwDataLen) |
native byte[] | J_DSignXml (byte[] jhKey, byte[] jhHash, String jszCertId, int jnUnsignedXml, byte[] jbaUnsignedXml, int[] jnaSignedXmlSize, int jnFilterSize, byte[] jbaFilter, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DVerifySignedXml (byte[] jphSession, String jszCertsId, int jnSignedXmlSize, byte[] jbaSignedXml, int jnFilterSize, byte[] jbaFilter) |
native int | J_DVerifySignedXmlEx (byte[] jphSession, String jszCertsId, int jnSignedXmlSize, byte[] jbaSignedXml, int jnFilterSize, byte[] jbaFilter, String jszCrl) |
native int | J_DEncrypt (byte[] jhKey, byte[] jhHash, int jbFinal, int jdwFlags, byte[] jbaDec, int jdwBuffLen, int[] jdwaDecLen) |
native int | J_DDecrypt (byte[] jhKey, byte[] jhHash, int jbFinal, int jdwFlags, byte[] jbaEnc, int[] jdwEncLen) |
native byte[] | J_DEncrypt (byte[] jhKey, byte[] jhHash, int jbFinal, int jdwFlags, byte[] jbaDec, int jdwOffset, int jdwDatalen, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DSignHash (byte[] jhHash, byte[] jhKey, int jdwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DVerifySignature (byte[] jHash, byte[] jbaSignature, int jnSigLen, byte[] jhKey, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DuplicateHash (byte[] jhHash, int jdwFlags, byte[] jphHash) |
native int | J_GetRandom (byte[] jhSession, byte[] jbaData, int jdwDataLen) |
native int | J_DGenEcdhKey (byte[] jhSession, int jdwOP, String jszPriKey, byte[] jbaInData, int jdwInDataLen, byte[] jbaOutData, int[] jdwaOutDataLen, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DCreateUser (byte[] jhSession, String jszUserId, String jszPassword, int jdwAuthMask) |
native int | J_DRemoveUser (byte[] jhSession, String jszUserId) |
native String[] | J_DListUsers (byte[] jhSession, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DSetUserParameter (byte[] jhSession, int jdwParam, int jdwData, byte[] jbaData, String jszData, int jdwDataLen, String jszUserId, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DGetUserParameter (byte[] jhSession, int jdwParam, String jszUserId, int jdwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DGetStatInfo (byte[] jhSession, int[] jdwaSessions, int[] jdwaCPU, int[] jdwaUnit, int[] jdwaMemTotal, int[] jdwaMemUsed, int[] jdwaSwapTotal, int[] jdwaSwapUsed) |
native HSMAllInfo | J_DGetAllInfo (byte[] jhSession, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DBackupData (byte[] jhSession, String jszBackupFile, String jszPassword, int jnDirection) |
native int | J_DGetStatLogSize (byte[] jhSession, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DTruncateLog (byte[] jhSession) |
native byte[] | J_DGetStatLog (byte[] jhSession, int jdwStart, int jdwOffset, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native String | J_DLogLineFormat (String jszIn, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DAdmOperation (byte[] jhSession, int jdwParam, int jdwFlags) |
native byte[][] | J_DManageAToken (byte[] jhSession, byte jbOP, byte[] jbaATokenFull, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DManageATokenCache (byte[] jhSession, int jdwOP, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DEFTExportKey (byte[] jhSession, byte bExportMode, String jszKEKId, String jszKeyId, byte[] jbaEncryptedBlock, int[] jdwaEncryptedBlockLen, byte[] jbaKeyCheckValue, int jdwParam) |
native int | J_DGetUserAcl (byte[] jhSession, String jszUser, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DOATHIssueBlob (byte[] jhSession, String jszMasterKeyId, int jdwParamBlobType, byte jbSeedLen, byte[] jbaSeed, byte jbTruncationOffset, int jwTimeStep, long jlT0, byte jbUseDefaultMovingFactor, long jlMovingFactor, int jdwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native String | J_DOATHGetNextOTP (byte[] jhSession, String jszMasterKeyId, byte jbOtpLen, byte[] jbaOATHBlob, int jdwOATHBlobLen, int jdwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DOATHCheckOTP (byte[] jhSession, String jszMasterKeyId, String jszOTP, byte[] jbaOATHBlob, int jdwOATHBlobLen, int jdwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DOATHBlobResync (byte[] jhSession, String jszMasterKeyId, String jszOTP1, String jszOTP2, byte[] jbaOATHBlob, int jdwOATHBlobLen, int jdwFlags, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DOATHGetBlobSeed (byte[] jhSession, String jszMasterKeyId, byte[] jbaOATHBlob, int jdwOATHBlobLen, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DOATHResync (byte[] jhSession, String jszUser, String jszOTP1, String jszOTP2, int jdwParam) |
native int | J_DUnassignToken (byte[] jhSession, int jdwParam, String jszUserId) |
native int | J_DAssignToken (byte[] jhSession, String jszUserId, int jdwParam, byte jbType, byte jbKeyLen, byte[] jbaKey, byte jbTruncation_offset, int jwTime_step, long jlT0) |
native String | J_DSPBCalculateObjectId (String jszISPB, String jszDomain, int jdwKeyType, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native String | J_DSPBGenerateKey (byte[] jhSession, String jszID, int jdwKeyParam, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DSPBGenerateCSR (byte[] jhSession, String jszPrivateKeyName, byte jbVersion, String jszSPBSubject, int jdwOutType, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DSPBImportPKCS12 (byte[] jhSession, byte jbActivate, String jszReserved, String jszPkcs12File, String jszPkcs12Pwd, String jszDomain, int jdwKeyAttr) |
native byte[] | J_DExportPKCS12 (byte[] jhSession, String jszPkcs12Pwd, String jszKeyId, String jszCertId, String jszReserved, int jdwReserved, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DSPBImportCertificate (byte[] jhSession, byte jbActivate, String jszUser, byte[] jbaCertificate, int jdwCertificateLen, String jszDomain, int jdwParam) |
native int | J_DSPBActivateCertificate (byte[] jhSession, String jszIdCert, String jszDomain, int jdwParam) |
native byte[] | J_DSPBGetCertificate (byte[] jhSession, String jszIdCert, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DSPBSetISPBMap (byte[] jhSession, String jszISPB, String jszKeyId, String jszCertId, int jdwParam) |
native int | J_DSPBEncodeInit (byte[] jhSession, String jszSrcISPB, String jszDstISPB, int jdwTotalDataLen, byte jbErrorCode, byte jbSpecialTreatment, byte[] jhSPBCtx, int jdwFlags) |
native int | J_DSPBEncodeCont (byte[] jhSPBCtx, byte[] jbaDataIn, int jdwDataInLen, byte[]jbaDataOut, int[] jdwaDataOutLen) |
native int | J_DSPBEncodeEnd (byte[] jhSPBCtx, byte[] jbaSPBHeader, int[] jdwaSPBHeaderLen) |
native int | J_DSPBDecodeInit (byte[] jhSession, String jszSrcISPB, String jszDstISPB, byte[] jbaHeader, int jdwHeaderLen, byte jbAcceptExpiredCert, byte jbAutoUpdateCert, int jdwMessageDataLen, byte[] jhSPBCtx, int jdwFlags) |
native byte[] | J_DSPBDecodeCont (byte[] jhSPBCtx, byte[] jbaDataIn, int jdwDataInLen, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DSPBDecodeEnd (byte[] jhSPBCtx) |
native String | J_DGenerateCVV (byte[] jhSession, String jszKeyId, String jszPAN, String jszExpirationDate, String jszServiceCode, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
DGenerateCVV Gera um CVV (Card Verification Value), CVV2 ou iCVV utilizando uma chave dentro do HSM. Mais... | |
native int | J_DVerifyCVV (byte[] jhSession, String jszKeyId, String jszPAN, String jszExpirationDate, String jszServiceCode, String jszCVV, int jdwParam) |
native String[] | J_DGeneratePIN (byte[] jhSession, String jszPGK, String jszPAN, int jdwOperation, int jnPinLen, String jszInPin, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
Generate a PIN. Mais... | |
native byte[] | J_DPINBlockTranslate (byte[] jhSession, String jszSrcPEK, String jszDstPEK, int jnTransBlockType, String jszPAN, byte[] jbaInPinBlock, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
Translate a PIN Block. Mais... | |
native int | J_DVerifyPINBlock (byte[] jhSession, String jszPTK, String jszPGK, String jszPAN, String jszOffset, byte[] jbaInPinBlock, int jdwParam) |
Verify a PIN Block. Mais... | |
native int | J_DEFTCheckKeyParts (int jnKeyAlgId, byte[] jbaKeyPart1, byte[] jbaKeyPartCheck1, byte[] jbaKeyPart2, byte[] jbaKeyPartCheck2, byte[] jbaKeyPart3, byte[] jbaKeyPartCheck3, byte[] jbaKeyFinalCheck, int jdwParam) |
native int | J_DEFTImportKey (byte[] jhSession, String jszKeyId, int jnKeyAlgId, byte[] jbaKeyPart1, byte[] jbaKeyPartCheck1, byte[] jbaKeyPart2, byte[] jbaKeyPartCheck2, byte[] jbaKeyPart3, byte[] jbaKeyPartCheck3, byte[] jbaKeyFinalCheck, int jdwParam) |
native String | J_DGenerateDUKPT (byte[] jhSession, byte[] jbaKSI, byte[] jbaDID_CTR, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native String | J_DGenerateBDKName (byte[] jbaKSI, int jdwParam) |
native String | J_DGenerateDUKPTName (byte[] jbaKSI, byte[] jbaDID_CTR, int jdwParam) |
native byte[] | J_DEFTExportZPK (byte[] jhSession, String jszKeyId, int[]jnaKeyAlgId, int[]jnaKeySize, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native String | J_DGeneratePVV (byte[] jhSession, String jszPGK, byte jbPVKI, String jszPAN, String jszPIN, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DGenerateDAC (byte[] jhSession, String jszIMKDAC, String jszPAN, byte[] jbaSEQ, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DVerifyDAC (byte[] jhSession, String jszIMKDAC, String jszPAN, byte[] jbaSEQ, byte[] jbaDAC, int jdwParam) |
native byte[] | J_DSignSDA (byte[] jhSession, String jszIK, byte[] jbaDAC, int jdwSDA_DATALen, byte[] jbaSDA_DATA, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DGenerateDDA_ICCCert (byte[] jhSession, byte jbOP, String jszIK, String jszPAN, int jdwDDA_DATALen, byte[] jbaDDA_DATA, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DGenerateICCMK (byte[] jhSession, byte jbOP, String jszIK, String jszKeK, String jszPAN, byte[] jbaSEQ, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DGenerateEMV_HMAC (byte[] jhSession, byte jbOP, String jszIK, String jszPAN, byte[] jbaSEQ, byte[] jbaNONCE, int jdwDataLen, byte[] jbaData, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DCheckIDN (byte[] jhSession, String jszIK, String jszPAN, byte[] jbaSEQ, byte[] jbaATC, byte[] jbaUN, byte[] jbaIDN, int jdwParam) |
native byte[] | J_DEncryptEMV (byte[] jhSession, byte jbEncOP, String jszEncIK, byte[] jbaEncNONCE, byte jbMacOP, String jszMacIK, byte[] jbaMacNONCE, String jszPAN, byte[] jbaSEQ, int jdwDataLen, byte[] jbaData, byte[] pbMAC, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DGenerateEMV_CSR (byte[] jhSession, byte jbOP, String jszIK, byte[] jbaTrackNum, byte[] jbaServiceID, byte[] jbaIssuerID, byte[] jbaExpDate, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DGenerateEMV_CSREx (byte[] jhSession, byte jbOP, String jszIK, byte[] jbaTrackNum, byte[] jbaServiceID, byte[] jbaIssuerID, byte[] jbaExpDate, byte[] jbaHash, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DMAC_ISO9797_1_Met2 (int jdwType, byte[] jbaKey, int jdwAlg, byte[] jbaMsg, int jdwMsgLen, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native byte[] | J_DPKCS7Sign (byte[] jhSession, String jszKeyName, String jszKeyCert, String jszCerts, int jdwAttrib, byte[] jbaContent, int jdwContentLen, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
native int | J_DGenerateMapObj (byte[] jhSession, String jszMapId, String jszObj1Id, int jnObj1AlgId, String jszObj2Id, int jnObj2AlgId) |
native int | J_DRemoveMapObj (byte[] jhSession, String jszMapObjId) |
native byte[] | J_DGeneratePKCS10CSR (byte[] jhSession, String jszKeyId, byte jbVersion, String jszDN, int jdwOutType, int jdwParam, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
Exports a PKCS#10 CSR object. Mais... | |
Métodos Públicos Estáticos | |
static native int | J_DInitialize (int jnReserved) |
static native int | J_DFinalize () |
static native String | J_DGetErrorString_Static (int jnErrorValue) |
static native String[] | J_DECPrivateKey2Info (byte[] jbaEC, int jdwECLen, int jdwInForm, int[] jnaOutFieldType, int jdwOutForm, int jdwReserved, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
static native String[] | J_DECPublicKey2Info (byte[] jbaEC, int jdwECLen, int jdwInForm, int[] jnaOutFieldType, int jdwOutForm, int jdwReserved, int[] jnaNativeReturn) |
Atributos Estáticos Públicos | |
static final int | SOCKET_FAILED =(-10) |
static final int | GETHOSTNAME_FAILED =(-11) |
static final int | CONNECT_FAILED =(-12) |
static final int | SEND_FAILED =(-13) |
static final int | RECV_FAILED =(-14) |
static final int | INVALID_PACKAGE_SIZE =(-15) |
static final int | SETSOCKOPT_FAILED =(-16) |
static final int | GETSOCKOPT_FAILED =(-17) |
static final int | D_SOCKET_FAILED =(-10) |
static final int | D_GETHOSTNAME_FAILED =(-11) |
static final int | D_CONNECT_FAILED =(-12) |
static final int | D_SEND_FAILED =(-13) |
static final int | D_RECV_FAILED =(-14) |
static final int | D_INVALID_PACKAGE_SIZE =(-15) |
static final int | D_SETSOCKOPT_FAILED =(-16) |
static final int | D_GETSOCKOPT_FAILED =(-17) |
static final int | D_ALL_LOAD_BALANCE_HSM_FAILED =(-18) |
static final int | SSL_CTX_NEW_FAILED =(1) |
static final int | SSL_NEW_FAILED =(2) |
static final int | SSL_CONNECT_FAILED =(3) |
static final int | D_SSL_CTX_NEW_FAILED =(1) |
static final int | D_SSL_NEW_FAILED =(2) |
static final int | D_SSL_CONNECT_FAILED =(3) |
static final int | D_WSASTARTUP =(2001) |
static final int | D_MEMORY_ALLOC =(2002) |
static final int | D_INVALID_PARAM =(1001) |
static final int | D_INVALID_TYPE =(1002) |
static final int | D_INVALID_STATE =(1003) |
static final int | D_LOGGING_NOT_STARTED =(1004) |
static final int | D_MORE_DATA =(1005) |
static final int | D_INVALID_RESPONSE =(1006) |
static final int | D_INVALID_CONTEXT =(1007) |
static final int | D_KEY_GEN_ERROR =(1008) |
static final int | D_KEY_DEL_ERROR =(1009) |
static final int | D_KEY_NOT_EXISTS =(1010) |
static final int | D_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH =(1011) |
static final int | D_INVALID_KEY_ALG =(1012) |
static final int | D_INVALID_PADDING =(1013) |
static final int | D_INVALID_KEY =(1014) |
static final int | D_BAD_DATA =(1015) |
static final int | D_INVALID_PUBKEY =(1016) |
static final int | D_INVALID_ALG_ID =(1017) |
static final int | D_INVALID_HASH =(1018) |
static final int | D_INIT_HASH_FAILED =(1019) |
static final int | D_INVALID_HASH_STATE =(1020) |
static final int | D_END_HASH_FAILED =(1021) |
static final int | D_GET_INFO_ERROR =(1022) |
static final int | D_INVALID_PIN_LEN =(1023) |
static final int | D_OPEN_FILE_FAILED =(1025) |
static final int | D_BACKUP_FAILED =(1026) |
static final int | D_RESTORE_FAILED =(1027) |
static final int | D_INVALID_CALLBACK =(1028) |
static final int | D_NOT_IMPLEMENTED =(1029) |
static final int | D_AUTH_FAILED =(1030) |
static final int | D_INVALID_CLEAR_OP =(1031) |
static final int | D_CHANGE_PWD_ERROR =(1032) |
static final int | D_PWD_SIZE_ERROR =(1033) |
static final int | D_IMPORT_KEY_ERROR =(1034) |
static final int | D_INVALID_KEY_ID =(1035) |
static final int | D_INVALID_FLAG =(1036) |
static final int | D_INVALID_SIGNATURE =(1037) |
static final int | D_INVALID_PUB_KEY =(1038) |
static final int | D_INVALID_KEY_STATE =(1039) |
static final int | D_CREATE_USER_ERROR =(1040) |
static final int | D_NO_MORE_OBJECT =(1041) |
static final int | D_PUT_ENV_VAR_FAILED =(1042) |
static final int | D_INVALID_FILE_SIZE =(1043) |
static final int | D_INVALID_TEXT_SIZE =(1044) |
static final int | D_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR =(1045) |
static final int | D_INVALID_COUNTER =(1046) |
static final int | D_INVALID_MODE =(1047) |
static final int | D_INVALID_STRUCT_ID =(1048) |
static final int | D_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS =(1049) |
static final int | D_GET_PEER_IP_ERROR =(1050) |
static final int | D_CERTIFICATE_PARSE_FAILED =(1051) |
static final int | D_INVALID_KEY_PART_1 =(1052) |
static final int | D_INVALID_KEY_PART_2 =(1053) |
static final int | D_INVALID_KEY_PART_3 =(1054) |
static final int | D_VERIFY_DAC_FAILED =(1055) |
static final int | D_DEPRECATED =(1056) |
static final int | D_NO_MATCHING_KEY_FOUND =(1057) |
static final int | D_CALLBACK_ERROR =(1058) |
static final int | D_KEEP_ALIVE_ERROR =(3001) |
static final int | D_RECEIVE_LOG_ERROR =(3002) |
static final int | D_ERROR_NOTIFY =(3003) |
static final int | D_ERR_UNKNOWN =(5000) |
static final int | D_ERR_NET_FAIL =(5001) |
static final int | D_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED =(5002) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_OBJ =(5003) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_OBJ =(5004) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_DEL_OBJ =(5005) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_ALLOC_RES =(5006) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_CTX =(5007) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION =(5008) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_KEY =(5009) |
static final int | D_ERR_NO_TLS_USED =(5010) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CHANGE_PWD =(5011) |
static final int | D_ERR_OBJ_NOT_EXPORTABLE =(5012) |
static final int | D_ERR_USR_ALREADY_EXISTS =(5013) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_USR_NAME =(5014) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_USR =(5015) |
static final int | D_ERR_NO_MORE_LOG_SLOTS =(5016) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_DELETE_USR =(5017) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_DELETE_MASTER =(5018) |
static final int | D_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED =(5019) |
static final int | D_ERR_USR_NOT_FOUND =(5020) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PAYLOAD =(5021) |
static final int | D_ERR_OBJ_ALREADY_EXISTS =(5022) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_OBJ_NAME =(5023) |
static final int | D_ERR_OBJ_IN_USE =(5024) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_WRITE_BACKUP_BLOB =(5025) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_BACKUP_BLOB =(5026) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_RESTORE_BACKUP_BLOB =(5027) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_BACKUP_PIN_OR_LEN =(5028) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_XML_SIGNATURE =(5029) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE =(5030) |
static final int | D_ERR_VERIFY_XML_FAILED =(5031) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_XML =(5032) |
static final int | D_ERR_SIGN_XML_FAILED =(5033) |
static final int | D_ERR_UPACK_VERIFY_FAILED =(5034) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_TRUNCATE_LOG =(5035) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_BACKUP_OLD_LOG =(5036) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED =(5037) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERTIFICATE_FAILED =(5038) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERTIFICATE_NOT_FOUND =(5039) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED =(5040) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_FAILED =(5041) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERTIFICATE_NOT_YET_VALID =(5042) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED_SIGN_VALID =(5043) |
static final int | D_ERR_CRL_EXPIRED =(5044) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_CRL_SIGN =(5045) |
static final int | D_ERR_CRL_CERT_MISMATCH =(5046) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERT_REVOKED =(5047) |
static final int | D_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_TOKEN =(5048) |
static final int | D_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED_TOKEN_NEEDED =(5049) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERT_REVOKED_CRL_VAL_UNUSED =(5050) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERT_VALID_CRL_VAL_UNUSED =(5051) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_PARSE_XML =(5052) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_XML_SIG_TEMPL =(5053) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_XML_SIG_TEMPL_REF =(5054) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_XML_SIG_TEMPL_TRANS =(5055) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_XML_SIG_KEY_INFO =(5056) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_XML_SIG_KEY_CERT =(5057) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_ALLOC_XML_SIG_CTX =(5058) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_PARSE_DER_PRIV_KEY =(5059) |
static final int | D_ERR_XML_CANNOT_LOAD_PRIV_KEY =(5060) |
static final int | D_ERR_XML_CANNOT_LOAD_CERT =(5061) |
static final int | D_ERR_XML_CANNOT_CREATE_KEY_MNG =(5062) |
static final int | D_ERR_XML_CANNOT_INIT_KEY_MNG =(5063) |
static final int | D_ERR_XML_CANNOT_LOAD_TRUSTED_CERTS =(5064) |
static final int | D_ERR_XML_SIG_NODE_NOT_FOUND =(5065) |
static final int | D_ERR_XML_CERT_NODE_NOT_FOUND =(5066) |
static final int | D_ERR_XML_CANNOT_DECODE_CERT_NODE =(5067) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_PARSE_DER_CERT =(5068) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_DECODE_XML_COMPRESS =(5069) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE_NULL_RES =(5070) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_RECREATE_MASTER =(5071) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_USR_STORAGE1 =(5072) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_USR_STORAGE2 =(5073) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_USR_DEFAULT_ACL =(5074) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_ALLOC_CTX =(5075) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_PRIV_KEY =(5076) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_DECODE_PUB_KEY =(5077) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GENERATE_RND_DATA =(5078) |
static final int | D_ERR_CACHE_LAYER_EXHAUSTED =(5079) |
static final int | D_ERR_RSA_POWER_SIGN_FAILED =(5080) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_SL_BE_CHECK_OBJ =(5500) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_WRITE_AUTH_INFO_OBJ =(5501) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GEN_RSA_KEY =(5502) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GEN_ECC_CURVE =(5503) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GEN_ECC_KEY =(5504) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GEN_ECC_DER =(5505) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GEN_ECC_DER_KEY =(5506) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_UNKNOWN_OBJ =(5507) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_WRITE_FIPS_MODE =(5508) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_WRITE_LOGIN_BLOCK_INFO =(5509) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_SETUP_LIVE_SYNC_OBJ =(5510) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_LIVE_SYNC_OBJ =(5511) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_LOG =(5512) |
static final int | D_ERR_COULD_NOT_OPEN_OBJ =(5513) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_EXPORT_RAW_OBJ =(5514) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_RENAME_OBJ =(5515) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_OPEN_OBJ =(5516) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_SETUP_LIVE_SYNC_IMG =(5517) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_LIVE_SYNC_IMG =(5518) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_SETUP_LIVE_SYNC_DEL_USR =(5519) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_DEL_LIVE_SYNC_USR =(5520) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_SETUP_LIVE_SYNC_DEL_CONFIG =(5521) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_DEL_LIVE_SYNC_CONFIG =(5522) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_SETUP_LIVE_SYNC_CONFIG =(5523) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_LIVE_SYNC_CONFIG =(5524) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_SETUP_LIVE_SYNC_USER =(5525) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_LIVE_SYNC_USER =(5526) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_SETUP_LIVE_SYNC_ACL =(5527) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_LIVE_SYNC_ACL =(5528) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_DEL_AUTH_INFO_OBJ =(5529) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_KEY_NULL_RES =(5530) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_MSG_NULL_RES =(5531) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GEN_SYM_KEY =(5532) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_SETUP_USR_AUTH_INFO =(5533) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_BIND_USR_AUTH_INFO =(5534) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GET_CERT_SN =(5535) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GET_CERT_ISPB =(5536) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_HASH =(5537) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SIG_LEN =(5538) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PUBKEY_LEN =(5539) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PSKC_XML =(5540) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_FIND_PSKC_XML_NODE =(5541) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_FIND_PSKC_XML_ATTR =(5542) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PSKC_KEY_DERIVATION =(5543) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PSKC_KEY_DERIVATION_IT =(5544) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PSKC_KEY_DERIVATION_LEN =(5545) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PSKC_KEY_DERIVATION_SALT_LEN =(5546) |
static final int | D_ERR_PSKC_KEY_DERIVATION_FAILED =(5547) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PSKC_KEY_ALG =(5548) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PSKC_KEY_METHOD =(5549) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_OATH_EPOCH =(5550) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_OATH_TIMESTEP =(5551) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_OATH_DRIFT =(5552) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PSKC_SECRET_LEN =(5553) |
static final int | D_ERR_UNKNOWN_PADDING_TYPE =(5554) |
static final int | D_ERR_DATA_TOO_LARGE_FOR_MODULUS =(5555) |
static final int | D_ERR_DATA_GREATER_THAN_MODULUS_LEN =(5556) |
static final int | D_ERR_PADDING_CHECK_FAILED =(5557) |
static final int | D_ERR_DATA_TOO_LARGE_FOR_KEY_SIZE =(5558) |
static final int | D_ERR_DATA_TOO_SMALL_FOR_KEY_SIZE =(5559) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_TYPE1_PADDING =(5560) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_TYPE2_PADDING =(5561) |
static final int | D_ERR_BAD_FIXED_HDR_PADDING =(5562) |
static final int | D_ERR_MISSING_NULL_PADDING =(5563) |
static final int | D_ERR_BAD_PAD_BYTE_COUNT =(5564) |
static final int | D_ERR_DATA_TOO_LARGE_FOR_PADDING =(5565) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_NO_INVERSE =(5566) |
static final int | D_ERR_STATIC_BN_CANNOT_EXPAND =(5567) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_IS_NOT_PRIME =(5568) |
static final int | D_ERR_TOO_MANY_BN_ITERATIONS =(5569) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_IS_NOT_A_SQUARE =(5570) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_DIV_BY_ZERO =(5571) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_NOT_INITIALIZED =(5572) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_INVALID_RANGE =(5573) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_BAD_RECIPROCAL =(5574) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_CALLED_WITH_EVEN_MODULUS =(5575) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_INPUT_NOT_REDUCED =(5576) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_TOO_MANY_TMP_VARIABLES =(5577) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_INVALID_LEN =(5578) |
static final int | D_ERR_BN_ENCODING_ERROR =(5579) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_PUBLIC_EXP =(5580) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_HDR_LEN =(5581) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_HDR_VER =(5582) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_HDR_SPECIAL_TREATMENT =(5583) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_HDR_R0 =(5584) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_HDR_DST_ASYM_ALG =(5585) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_HDR_DST_SYM_ALG =(5586) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_HDR_SIGN_KEY_TYPE =(5587) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_HDR_DST_CA =(5588) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_HDR_SIGN_CA =(5589) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SIGN_CERT_SN_MISMATCH =(5590) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_DST_CERT_SN_MISMATCH =(5591) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_MSG_LEN =(5592) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_CHARSET =(5593) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_CHARSET_SIG_OK =(5594) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SPB_CHARSET_SIG_ERR =(5595) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GET_SYS_INFO =(5100) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_ALLOC_UPACK_ID =(5101) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_ALLOC_UPACK_PATH =(5102) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_WRITE_UPACK_OBJ =(5103) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_CRL =(5104) |
static final int | D_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED =(5105) |
static final int | D_ERR_GET_USR_ACL_FAILED =(5106) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE =(5107) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GENERATE_SOFT_TOKEN =(5108) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_SECRET =(5109) |
static final int | D_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED_USR_BLOCKED =(5120) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_IMEI =(5121) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLAY_DETECTED =(5122) |
static final int | D_ERR_NON_APPROVED_FIPS_OPERATION =(5123) |
static final int | D_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJ_BLOCKED =(5124) |
static final int | D_ERR_FIPS_DRBG_CONTINUOUS_TEST =(5125) |
static final int | D_ERR_FIPS_RSA_CONTINUOUS_TEST =(5126) |
static final int | D_ERR_FIPS_ECC_CONTINUOUS_TEST =(5127) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_UPDATE_OBJ =(5175) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_GET_PWD_POLICY =(5176) |
static final int | D_ERR_PWD_BLOCKED_BY_POLICY =(5177) |
static final int | D_ERR_PWD_EXPIRED =(5178) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERT_VALID_CRL_VAL_UNUSED_CRL_EXPIRED =(5179) |
static final int | D_ERR_CERT_VALID_CRL_EXPIRED =(5180) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_CERT_SIGN =(5181) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_CORRUPTED_OBJ =(5200) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_CERT_ISPB_MISMATCH =(5230) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_CA =(5231) |
static final int | D_ERR_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION =(5303) |
static final int | D_ERR_SERVER_BUSY =(5304) |
static final int | D_ERR_SL_BE_BUSY =(5305) |
static final int | D_ERR_SVMK_MISMATCH =(5306) |
static final int | D_ERR_INVALID_CERT_SN_MISMATCH =(5307) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_DEC_SYM_KEY =(5308) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_REC_SYM_KEY =(5309) |
static final int | D_SUCCESS_CANNOT_OPEN_OBJ_AT_REPL =(5401) |
static final int | D_ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_INVALID_OBJ_AT_REPL =(5402) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_BUSY =(36000) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_D_BUSY =(36001) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_S_BUSY =(36002) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_STORAGE_LAYER_BUSY =(36003) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_SEC_LAYER_BUSY =(36004) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_PEER_NOT_SYNCED =(36500) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_PREPARE_TRANS =(37001) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_HANDSHAKE =(37002) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_FIND =(37003) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_CONNECT =(37004) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_SEND =(37005) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_RECV =(37006) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_SEND_ALL =(37007) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_RECV_ALL =(37008) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_SCONNECT =(37009) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_SSEND =(37010) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_SRECV =(37011) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_SSEND_ALL =(37012) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_SRECV_ALL =(37013) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_P2P_WORK =(37014) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_NOT_FOUND =(37015) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_ACK_NOT_FOUND =(37016) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_INVALID_OPERATION =(37017) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_INVALID_EVENT =(37018) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_OPERATION_FAILED =(37019) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_COMMIT_FAILED =(37020) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_ERASE_FAILED =(37021) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_INQUIRE_FAILED =(37022) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_UPDATE_ACK_FAILED =(37023) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_DISPATCH_FAILED =(37024) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_SL_BE_TRANSP =(37025) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_PRUNE_LOG =(37026) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_LOAD_LOG =(37027) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_WORK =(37028) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_VALIDATE_EVENT =(37029) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_TRANS_MISMATCH =(37030) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CANNOT_SYNC_POINT =(37031) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_UNDEFINED_LIVE_SYNC =(37032) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_CONNECTED_LIVE_SYNC =(37033) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_SELF_LIVE_SYNC =(37034) |
static final int | D_ERR_REPLICATION_OBJ_IN_USE =(37035) |
static final int | NOT_LISTED_ERROR =(-999999) |
static final int | SS_ANONYMOUS =(0x00000001) |
static final int | SS_USER_PWD =(0x00000002) |
static final int | SS_CERTIFICATE =(0x00000004) |
static final int | SS_CLUSTER =(0x00000008) |
static final int | SS_USR_PWD_EX =(0x00000010) |
static final int | ENCRYPTED_CONN =(0x00000001) |
static final int | USER_INTERACTIVE =(0x00000002) |
static final int | CLEAR_CONN =(0x00000004) |
static final int | LB_BYPASS =(0x00000008) |
static final int | CACHE_BYPASS =(0x00000010) |
static final int | ND_SPB_ENCODE_GEN_01 =(0x01) |
static final int | SA_AUTH_NONE =(0x00000000) |
static final int | SA_AUTH_OTP =(0x00000001) |
static final int | SA_NO_SOFTTOKEN =(0x00000000) |
static final int | SA_GEN_SOFTTOKEN =(0x00000001) |
static final int | SA_GET_SEED =(0x00000002) |
static final int | SA_ATTR_OATH_USE_IMEI =(0x00000001) |
static final int | SA_ATTR_OATH_USE_TIME =(0x00000002) |
static final int | SA_ATTR_OATH_USE_CHAP =(0x00000004) |
static final int | SA_ATTR_OATH_USE_NTP =(0x00000008) |
static final int | SA_ST_ID_HOTP_INFO_EX =(1) |
static final int | SA_ST_ID_HOTP_CHAP =(1) |
static final int | SA_ST_ID_HOTP_CHAP_OUT =(2) |
static final int | SA_MAX_OBJ_INVALID_ACCESS =(6) |
static final int | SA_ST_ID_HOTP_SYNC =(1) |
static final int | SA_RETRV_SOFTTOKEN =(1) |
static final int | SP_SESSION_TIMEOUT =(0x00000001) |
static final int | SP_SEND_TIMEOUT =(0x00000002) |
static final int | SP_RECV_TIMEOUT =(0x00000004) |
static final int | SP_ENCRYPTED =(0x00000008) |
static final int | SP_SESSION_ID =(0x00000010) |
static final int | WAIT_OPERATIONS =(0x00000004) |
static final int | CLOSE_PHYSICALLY =(0x00000008) |
static final int | MAKE_BACKUP =(0) |
static final int | MAKE_RESTORE =(1) |
static final int | MAKE_RESTORE_WITHOUT_NET_CONFIG =(2) |
static final int | HD_AUDIT_START =(0x00000001) |
static final int | HD_AUDIT_RECV =(0x00000002) |
static final int | DATA_ONLY =(0x00000008) |
static final int | CONFIG_ONLY =(0x00000010) |
static final int | HC_PASS_PORT_VALUE =(0x00000001) |
static final int | HC_PASS_PORT_ENABLE =(0x00000002) |
static final int | HC_MAX_CONNECT =(0x00000004) |
static final int | HC_MAX_MONITORING =(0x00000008) |
static final int | HC_PERMISSION_IP =(0x00000010) |
static final int | ENABLE_VALUES =(0x00000020) |
static final int | DISABLE_VALUES =(0x00000040) |
static final int | AO_SHUTDOWN =(0x00000001) |
static final int | AO_RESTART =(0x00000002) |
static final int | AO_KEEPALIVE =(0x00000004) |
static final int | AO_SET_DATE_TIME =(0x00000008) |
static final int | AO_ADD_CLUSTER_LIST =(0x00000010) |
static final int | AO_DEL_CLUSTER_LIST =(0x00000012) |
static final int | AO_GET_CLUSTER_LIST =(0x00000014) |
static final int | AO_RST_CLUSTER_LIST =(0x00000018) |
static final int | AO_SET_PWD_SEC_POLICY =(0x00000019) |
static final int | AO_GET_PWD_SEC_POLICY =(0x00000020) |
static final int | UP_USER_NAME =(0x00000001) |
static final int | UP_AUTH_MASK =(0x00000002) |
static final int | UP_ACCESS_TYPE =(0x00000004) |
static final int | UP_CERTIFICATE =(0x00000008) |
static final int | UP_PASSWORD =(0x00000010) |
static final int | UP_INVALID_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS =(0x00000020) |
static final int | UP_BLOCK_USR =(0x00000040) |
static final int | UP_UNBLOCK_USR =(0x00000080) |
static final int | UP_USR_PASSWORD =(0x00000100) |
static final int | FU_USER_ID =(0x00000001) |
static final int | FU_USER_NAME =(0x00000002) |
static final int | FU_AUTH_MASK =(0x00000004) |
static final int | FU_ACCESS_TYPE =(0x00000008) |
static final int | FU_ROOT_ID =(0x00000010) |
static final int | PARTIAL_VALUE =(0x00000080) |
static final int | HI_BATTERY_LIFE =(0x00000001) |
static final int | HI_PERFOMANCE_COUNT =(0x00000002) |
static final int | HI_MODULE_INFO =(0x00000004) |
static final int | HI_HSM_INFO =(0x00000008) |
static final int | HI_OPERATIONS_COUNT =(0x00000010) |
static final int | HI_SYS_HEALTH =(0x00000020) |
static final int | HI_FIPS_MODE =(0x00000040) |
static final int | HI_DISK_INFO =(0x00000080) |
static final int | HI_REPL_INFO =(0x00000100) |
static final int | HI_CURRENT_DATE =(0x00000200) |
static final int | HI_HW_STR =(0x00000400) |
static final int | HI_NTP_INFO =(0x00000800) |
static final int | HI_STATS_INFO =(0x00001000) |
static final int | HI_COUNTER_INFO =(0x00002000) |
static final int | HI_FIPS_RCODE_INFO =(0x00004000) |
static final int | HI_PENDING_INFO =(0x00008000) |
static final int | HI_ALL_INFO =(0x00010000) |
static final int | INVALID_OBJ_TYPE =(0) |
static final int | MSGSH_NO_INFO =(0xFFFFFFFF) |
static final int | OP_LST_USR_TRUSTERS =(0x01) |
static final int | OP_LST_USR_TRUSTEES =(0x02) |
static final int | DPX_GO3_OTP_INFO =(0x00000001) |
static final int | AT_GO3_TOKEN =(1) |
static final int | AT_OATH_TOKEN =(2) |
static final int | AT_OATH_TOKEN_TOTP =(3) |
static final int | MAX_OATH_HMAC_LEN =(128) |
static final byte | OATH_SA_v1_type_SHA1 =(0x01) |
static final byte | OATH_SA_v1_HOTP_DYN_TRUNC_OFF =(16) |
static final int | OATH_SA_v2_default_TIME_STEP =(30) |
static final long | OATH_SA_v2_default_T0_Epoch =(0L) |
static final int | OATH_MIN_HOTP_LEN =(6 + 1) |
static final int | OATH_MAX_HOTP_LEN =(16 + 1) |
static final int | D_NO_RSA_PADDING =(3) |
static final int | D_FORCE_ACTUAL_RSA =(4) |
static final int | HIP_CHECK_STRING_SIZE =(8 + 1) |
static final int | HIP_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE =(6 * 1024) |
static final int | HIP_FLAG_VERT_DISTORT =(0x01) |
static final int | HIP_FLAG_HORIZ_DISTORT =(0x02) |
static final int | HIP_FLAG_NOISE =(0x04) |
static final int | HIP_COLOR_DEFAULT_RED =(0x00000001) |
static final int | HIP_COLOR_BLACK =(0x00000002) |
static final int | HIP_COLOR_RED =(0x00000003) |
static final int | HOTP_HARD =(1) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_TEXT =(0x0001) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_NOCERTS =(0x0002) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_NOSIGS =(0x0004) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_NOCHAIN =(0x0008) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_NOINTERN =(0x0010) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_NOVERIFY =(0x0020) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_DETACHED =(0x0040) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_BINARY =(0x0080) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_NOATTR =(0x0100) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_NOSMIMECAP =(0x0200) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_NOOLDMIMETYPE =(0x0400) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_CRLFEOL =(0x0800) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_NOCRL =(0x2000) |
static final int | TAC_MOD_CORE_P7_COSIGN =(0x80000000) |
static final int | ALG_MD5 =(1) |
static final int | ALG_SHA1 =(2) |
static final int | ALG_SSL_SHA1_MD5 =(3) |
static final int | ALG_SHA2_256 =(4) |
static final int | ALG_SHA2_384 =(5) |
static final int | ALG_SHA2_512 =(6) |
static final int | ALG_SHA2_224 =(7) |
static final int | ALG_MD5_InclC14N =(1) |
static final int | ALG_SHA1_InclC14N =(2) |
static final int | ALG_MD5_ExclC14N =(31) |
static final int | ALG_SHA1_ExclC14N =(32) |
static final int | MD5_LEN =(16) |
static final int | SHA1_LEN =(20) |
static final int | SSL_SHA1_MD5_LEN =(36) |
static final int | SHA2_224_LEN =(28) |
static final int | SHA2_256_LEN =(32) |
static final int | SHA2_384_LEN =(48) |
static final int | SHA2_512_LEN =(64) |
static final int | MAX_HASH_LEN =SHA2_512_LEN |
static final int | NO_HASH_OID =(1) |
static final int | MD5_HASH_OID =(2) |
static final int | SHA_HASH_OID =(3) |
static final int | SHA256_HASH_OID =(4) |
static final int | SHA384_HASH_OID =(5) |
static final int | SHA512_HASH_OID =(6) |
static final int | SHA224_HASH_OID =(7) |
static final int | MD5_HASH_OID_LEN =(18) |
static final int | SHA_HASH_OID_LEN =(15) |
static final int | SHA224_HASH_OID_LEN =(19) |
static final int | SHA256_HASH_OID_LEN =(19) |
static final int | SHA384_HASH_OID_LEN =(19) |
static final int | SHA512_HASH_OID_LEN =(19) |
static final int | ALG_DES =(1) |
static final int | ALG_3DES_112 =(2) |
static final int | ALG_3DES_168 =(3) |
static final int | ALG_DESX =(91) |
static final int | ALG_AES_128 =(7) |
static final int | ALG_AES_192 =(8) |
static final int | ALG_AES_256 =(9) |
static final int | ALG_ARC4 =(10) |
static final int | ALG_DES_LEN =(8) |
static final int | ALG_DES3_112_LEN =(16) |
static final int | ALG_DES3_168_LEN =(24) |
static final int | DES_LEN =(8) |
static final int | DES3_112_LEN =(16) |
static final int | DES3_168_LEN =(24) |
static final int | ALG_DESX_LEN =(24) |
static final int | ALG_AES_128_LEN =(16) |
static final int | ALG_AES_192_LEN =(24) |
static final int | ALG_AES_256_LEN =(32) |
static final int | ALG_ARC4_LEN =(16) |
static final int | DES_BLOCK =(8) |
static final int | DES3_BLOCK =(8) |
static final int | DESX_BLOCK =(8) |
static final int | AES_128_BLOCK =(16) |
static final int | AES_192_BLOCK =(16) |
static final int | AES_256_BLOCK =(16) |
static final int | MODE_ECB =(1 << 0) |
static final int | MODE_CBC =(1 << 1) |
static final int | MODE_CFB =(1 << 2) |
static final int | MODE_OFB =(1 << 3) |
static final int | D_ENCRYPT =(0 << 7) |
static final int | D_DECRYPT =(1 << 7) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_512 =(4) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_1024 =(5) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_2048 =(6) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_4096 =(11) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_1152 =(121) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_1408 =(122) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_1984 =(123) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_8192 =(124) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_2304 =(126) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_2560 =(127) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_2816 =(128) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_3072 =(129) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP112R1 =(18) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP112R2 =(19) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP128R1 =(20) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP128R2 =(21) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP160K1 =(22) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP160R1 =(23) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP160R2 =(24) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP192K1 =(25) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP192R1 =(26) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP224K1 =(27) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP224R1 =(28) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP256K1 =(29) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP256R1 =(30) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP384R1 =(31) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP521R1 =(32) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V1 =(ALG_ECC_SECP192R1) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V2 =(33) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V3 =(34) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V1 =(35) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V2 =(36) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V3 =(37) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME256V1 =(ALG_ECC_SECP256R1) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160R1 =(38) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160T1 =(39) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192R1 =(40) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192T1 =(41) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224R1 =(42) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224T1 =(43) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256R1 =(44) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256T1 =(45) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320R1 =(46) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320T1 =(47) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384R1 =(48) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384T1 =(49) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512R1 =(50) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512T1 =(51) |
static final int | BLOB_TYPE =(12) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_BLOB =(12) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_BLOB_X509 =(13) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_BLOB_PKCS7 =(14) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_BLOB_CRL =(15) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_BLOB_HOTP =(16) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_BLOB_DPGO3 =(17) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_MAP =(90) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_EXT_MAP_2_OBJ =(125) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_BLOB =(350) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_RSA_BLOB =(351) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_ECC_BLOB =(352) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_PUBKEY_SPKI_RSA_BLOB =(353) |
static final int | ALG_HMAC_MD5 =(92) |
static final int | ALG_HMAC_SHA1 =(93) |
static final int | ALG_HMAC_SHA2_256 =(94) |
static final int | ALG_HMAC_SHA2_384 =(95) |
static final int | ALG_HMAC_SHA2_512 =(96) |
static final int | ALG_CMAC_AES =(250) |
static final int | ALG_CMAC_DES =(251) |
static final int | ALG_PKCS11_MAP =(120) |
static final int | MAX_ALG_ID =(ALG_OBJ_EXT_MAP_2_OBJ) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_512_PUB =(ALG_RSA_512 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_1024_PUB =(ALG_RSA_1024 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_2048_PUB =(ALG_RSA_2048 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_4096_PUB =(ALG_RSA_4096 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_1152_PUB =(ALG_RSA_1152 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_1408_PUB =(ALG_RSA_1408 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_1984_PUB =(ALG_RSA_1984 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_8192_PUB =(ALG_RSA_8192 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_2304_PUB =(ALG_RSA_2304 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_2560_PUB =(ALG_RSA_2560 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_2816_PUB =(ALG_RSA_2816 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_RSA_3072_PUB =(ALG_RSA_3072 | 1 << 31) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP112R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP112R1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP112R2_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP112R2 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP128R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP128R1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP128R2_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP128R2 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP160K1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP160K1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP160R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP160R1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP160R2_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP160R2 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP192K1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP192K1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP192R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP192R1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP224K1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP224K1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP224R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP224R1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP256K1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP256K1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP256R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP256R1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP384R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP384R1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_SECP521R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP521R1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP192R1_PUB) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V2_PUB =(ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V2 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V3_PUB =(ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V3 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V1 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V2_PUB =(ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V2 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V3_PUB =(ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V3 |(1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_X9_62_PRIME256V1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_SECP256R1_PUB) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160R1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160T1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160T1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192R1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192T1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192T1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224R1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224T1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224T1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256R1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256T1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256T1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320R1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320T1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320T1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384R1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384T1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384T1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512R1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512R1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512T1_PUB =(ALG_ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512T1 | (1 << 31)) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_INVALID_TYPE =(0) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ_NULL =(ALG_OBJ_INVALID_TYPE) |
static final int | ALG_OBJ =(12) |
static final int | OBJ_BLOCK =(1) |
static final int | RSA_512_LEN =(64) |
static final int | RSA_1024_LEN =(128) |
static final int | RSA_2048_LEN =(256) |
static final int | RSA_4096_LEN =(512) |
static final int | RSA_1152_LEN =(144) |
static final int | RSA_1408_LEN =(176) |
static final int | RSA_1984_LEN =(248) |
static final int | RSA_8192_LEN =(1024) |
static final int | RSA_2304_LEN =(288) |
static final int | RSA_2560_LEN =(320) |
static final int | RSA_2816_LEN =(352) |
static final int | RSA_3072_LEN =(384) |
static final int | RSA_512_PUB_LEN =(74) |
static final int | RSA_1024_PUB_LEN =(140) |
static final int | RSA_2048_PUB_LEN =(270) |
static final int | RSA_4096_PUB_LEN =(526) |
static final int | RSA_1152_PUB_LEN =(156) |
static final int | RSA_1408_PUB_LEN =(188) |
static final int | RSA_1984_PUB_LEN =(261) |
static final int | RSA_8192_PUB_LEN =(1024+128) |
static final int | MAX_RSA_LEN =RSA_8192_LEN |
static final int | MAX_RSA_PUB_LEN =RSA_8192_PUB_LEN |
static final int | ECC_SECP112R1_LEN =(112) |
static final int | ECC_SECP112R2_LEN =(112) |
static final int | ECC_SECP128R1_LEN =(128) |
static final int | ECC_SECP128R2_LEN =(128) |
static final int | ECC_SECP160K1_LEN =(160) |
static final int | ECC_SECP160R1_LEN =(160) |
static final int | ECC_SECP160R2_LEN =(160) |
static final int | ECC_SECP192K1_LEN =(192) |
static final int | ECC_SECP192R1_LEN =(192) |
static final int | ECC_SECP224K1_LEN =(224) |
static final int | ECC_SECP224R1_LEN =(224) |
static final int | ECC_SECP256K1_LEN =(256) |
static final int | ECC_SECP256R1_LEN =(256) |
static final int | ECC_SECP384R1_LEN =(384) |
static final int | ECC_SECP521R1_LEN =(521) |
static final int | ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V1_LEN =(ECC_SECP192R1_LEN) |
static final int | ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V2_LEN =(192) |
static final int | ECC_X9_62_PRIME192V3_LEN =(192) |
static final int | ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V1_LEN =(239) |
static final int | ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V2_LEN =(239) |
static final int | ECC_X9_62_PRIME239V3_LEN =(239) |
static final int | ECC_X9_62_PRIME256V1_LEN =(ECC_SECP256R1_LEN) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160R1_LEN =(160) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P160T1_LEN =(160) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192R1_LEN =(192) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P192T1_LEN =(192) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224R1_LEN =(224) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P224T1_LEN =(224) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256R1_LEN =(256) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P256T1_LEN =(256) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320R1_LEN =(320) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P320T1_LEN =(320) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384R1_LEN =(384) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P384T1_LEN =(384) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512R1_LEN =(512) |
static final int | ECC_BRAINPOOL_P512T1_LEN =(512) |
static final int | DES_IV_LEN =(8) |
static final int | AES_IV_LEN =(16) |
static final int | D_NO_PADDING =(0) |
static final int | D_PKCS5_PADDING =(1) |
static final int | D_ZERO_PADDING =(2) |
static final int | PRIVATEKEY_BLOB =(1) |
static final int | PUBLICKEY_BLOB =(2) |
static final int | SIMPLE_BLOB =(3) |
static final int | PLAINTEXTKEY_BLOB =(4) |
static final int | RAW_BLOB =(5) |
static final int | HOTP_BLOB =(6) |
static final int | SIMPLE_BLOB_OAEP =(7) |
static final int | SIMPLE_BLOB_PKCS1 =(SIMPLE_BLOB) |
static final int | PUBLICKEY_BLOB_X509 =(8) |
static final int | SYM_WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB =(9) |
static final int | OPAQUE_BLOB =(10) |
static final int | PUBLICKEY_BLOB_HSM =(11) |
static final int | PUBLICKEY_RSA_PARTS_HSM =(12) |
static final int | PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_P8 =(13) |
static final int | PRIVATEKEY_BLOB_STRICT =(14) |
static final int | SYM_WRAPPED_KEY_BLOB_P11 =(15) |
static final int | P11_BLOB =(1) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_target =( 1 << 0 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_associate =( 1 << 1 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_Class =( 1 << 2 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_App =( 1 << 3 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_Id =( 1 << 4 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_Label =( 1 << 5 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_Trusted =( 1 << 6 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_WrapWithTrusted =( 1 << 7 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_Local =( 1 << 8 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_CertificateCategory =( 1 << 9 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_JavaMidpSecDomain =( 1 << 10 ) |
static final int | UPDATE_P11_KeyGenMechanism =( 1 << 11 ) |
static final int | NONEXPORTABLE_KEY =(0x00000000) |
static final int | EXPORTABLE_KEY =(0x00000001) |
static final int | NO_CRYPTO =(0x00000002) |
static final int | TEMPORARY_KEY =(0x00000004) |
static final int | PERMANENT_KEY =(0x00000008) |
static final int | DESTROY_KEY =(0x00000010) |
static final int | REMOVE_FROM_HSM =(0x00000020) |
static final int | REMOVE_FROM_HCM =(REMOVE_FROM_HSM) |
static final int | REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE =(0x00000040) |
static final int | RSA_PUB_EXP3 =(0x00000800) |
static final int | DKP_ALGID =(1) |
static final int | DKP_IV =(2) |
static final int | DKP_PADDING =(3) |
static final int | DKP_MODE =(4) |
static final int | DKP_OWNER =(5) |
static final int | DKP_USER =(6) |
static final int | DKP_READ_LOCK =(7) |
static final int | DKP_ENCRYPTED =(8) |
static final int | DKP_KEYLEN =(9) |
static final int | DKP_TEMPORARY_KEY =(10) |
static final int | DKP_MAP_VALUE =(11) |
static final int | DKP_BLOCKED =(12) |
static final int | DKP_CERT_X509_INFO =(13) |
static final int | DKP_SESSION =(14) |
static final int | DKP_KEY_ID =(15) |
static final int | DKP_PUB_KEY_EXP =(16) |
static final int | DHP_ALGID =(1) |
static final int | DHP_HASH_VALUE =(2) |
static final int | DHP_HASH_SIZE =(4) |
static final int | DHS_LITTLE_ENDIAN =(1) |
static final int | OP_OBJ_BLOCKED =(1) |
static final int | OP_OBJ_UNBLOCKED =(2) |
static final int | LP_LOG_PATH =(0x00000001) |
static final int | LP_LOG_LEVEL =(0x00000002) |
static final int | LOG_ERROR_LEVEL =(0) |
static final int | LOG_WARNING_LEVEL =(1) |
static final int | LOG_INFO_LEVEL =(2) |
static final int | LOG_DEBUG_LEVEL =(3) |
static final int | GET_LOG_START_FULL =(0x00000000) |
static final int | GET_LOG_END_FULL =(0x00000000) |
static final int | ACL_NOP =(0x00000000) |
"may the Force be with ya'!" Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_OBJ_DEL =(ACL_NOP + 1) |
delete objects Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_OBJ_READ =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 1) |
read obj content Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_OBJ_LIST =(ACL_OBJ_READ) |
list usr objs Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_OBJ_CREATE =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 2) |
create obj Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_OBJ_UPDATE =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 3) |
update obj =(hdr and alike); Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_OBJ_WRITE =(ACL_OBJ_UPDATE) |
update obj Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_USR_CREATE =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 4) |
create usr Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_USR_DELETE =(ACL_USR_CREATE) |
makes no sense only to create Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_USR_REMOTE_LOG =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 5) |
can usr use remote log/info? Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_USR_LIST =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 6) |
can usr get user-list? Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_SYS_OPERATOR =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 7) |
operate as master =(adm mode); Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_SYS_BACKUP =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 8) |
extract full appliance backup Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_SYS_RESTORE =(ACL_SYS_BACKUP) |
restore full appliance backup Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_SYS_UDATE_HSM =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 9) |
firmware and stuff like that Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_NS_AUTHORIZATION =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 10) |
user must be authorized with "m of n" Mais... | |
static final int | ACL_VIRTUAL_OTP_AUTH =(ACL_OBJ_DEL << 29) |
presence means SA (user must use 2-F OTP) Mais... | |
static final int | PDF417_MODE_SCALE_1X =(0x00000000) |
static final int | PDF417_MODE_SCALE_3X =(0x00000001) |
static final int | PDF417_MODE_SCALE_5X =(0x00000002) |
static final int | PDF417_MODE_SCALE_10X =(0x00000004) |
static final int | BARCODE128_MODE_SCALE_1X =(0x00000000) |
static final int | BARCODE128_MODE_SCALE_3X =(0x00000001) |
static final int | BARCODE128_MODE_SCALE_5X =(0x00000002) |
static final int | BARCODE128_MODE_SCALE_10X =(0x00000004) |
static final int | MAX_PDF417_TEXT_SIZE =(2620) |
static final int | MAX_CODE128_TEXT_SIZE =(62) |
static final int | BARCODE128 =(1) |
static final int | BARCODEPDF417 =(2) |
static final int | MIN_CVV_LEN =(3 + 1) |
static final int | MAX_PAN_LEN =(24 + 1) |
static final int | MAX_EXP_DATE_LEN =(4 + 1) |
static final int | MAX_SVC_LEN =(3 + 1) |
static final int | EFT_MIN_PVKI =(0x00) |
static final int | EFT_MAX_PVKI =(0x06) |
static final int | EFT_PVV_LEN =(4) |
static final int | GP_DEFAULT_PIN =(1) |
static final int | GP_USER_DEF_PIN =(2) |
static final int | GP_RANDOM_PIN =(3) |
static final byte | EK_EFT_KEK_EXPORT_RAW =(1) |
static final byte | EK_EFT_KEK_EXPORT_VISA1 =(2) |
static final int | TP_TRANSLATE_TYPE_AUTO =(0xFF) |
static final int | TP_TRANSLATE_TYPE_IBM_3624 =(0x36) |
static final int | TP_TRANSLATE_TYPE_ISO_0 =(1) |
static final int | TP_TRANSLATE_TYPE_ISO_1 =(2) |
static final int | TP_TRANSLATE_TYPE_ISO_3 =(3) |
static final int | MAX_USR_PWD =(16) |
static final int | MAX_USR_LEN =(16) |
static final int | MAX_CN_LEN =(256) |
static final int | MAX_PATH_LEN =(256) |
static final int | MAX_MODULE_NAME_LEN =(128) |
static final int | MAX_MODULE_VERSION_LEN =(32) |
static final int | MAX_ADDR_LEN =(128) |
static final int | MIN_PIN_LEN =(8) |
static final int | MIN_BACKUP_PIN_LEN =(16) |
static final int | MAX_BACKUP_PIN_LEN =(32) |
static final int | MAX_OBJ_NAME_LEN =(32) |
static final int | MAX_PIN_LEN =(6) |
static final int | MAX_MODULE_NAME_VERSION_LEN =(1024) |
static final int | MAX_IP_LEN =(15) |
static final int | MAX_NET_NAME =(16) |
static final int | MAX_HOTP_PIN =(4) |
static final int | MAX_HOTP_IMEI =(24) |
static final int | MAX_HOTP_APP_NAME =(13) |
static final int | MAX_HOTP_LOGO_LEN =(1632) |
static final int | MAX_P11_OBJ_ID =(128) |
static final int | MAX_OBJ_ID_BIN_LEN =(32 + 1) |
static final int | MAX_OBJ_ID =MAX_OBJ_ID_BIN_LEN |
static final int | MAX_OBJ_ID_LEN =(MAX_USR_LEN + 1 + MAX_OBJ_ID) |
static final int | MAX_P11_DATE_TXT =(8) |
static final int | MIN_EFT_PIN_LEN =(4) |
static final int | MAX_EFT_PIN_LEN =(12) |
static final int | MIN_KSI_LEN =(5) |
static final int | MIN_CTR_LEN =(5) |
static final int | EFT_VISA_KEY_CHECKSUM_LEN =(3) |
static final int | EFT_EXP_DATE_LEN =(4) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_SDA_SEQ_LEN =(2) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_SDA_DAC_LEN =(2) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_IDN_LEN =(2) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_IDN_ATC_LEN =(2) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_IDN_UN_LEN =(4) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_CSR_VISA_TRACK_NUM_LEN =(3) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_CSR_VISA_SERVICE_ID_LEN =(4) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_CSR_VISA_ISSUER_ID_LEN =(4) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_CSR_VISA_PUB_KEY_INDEX_LEN =(3) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_CSR_VISA_HASH_SIZE =(20) |
static final int | EFT_EMV_CSR_MASTER_HASH_SIZE =(28) |
static final byte | EFT_EMV_GEN_ICC_MK_OP_CBC_EXP =(0x01) |
static final byte | EFT_EMV_GEN_ICC_MK_OP_ECB_EXP =(0x02) |
static final int | EMV_MAC_TYPE_ALG1 =(1) |
static final int | EMV_MAC_TYPE_ALG3 =(2) |
static final byte | EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_COMMON =(0x01) |
static final byte | EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_MCHIP =(0x02) |
static final byte | EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_VISA =(0x03) |
static final byte | EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_VISA_CRYPTOGRAM =(0x04) |
static final byte | EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_VISA_ICC_V1_4_PAN_AUTO =(0x05) |
static final byte | EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_RAW =(0x06) |
static final byte | EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M1_VISA_CRYPTOGRAM_PADD_V10 =(0x7F) |
static final byte | EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_ELO =(0x07) |
static final byte | EFT_EMV_DDA_OP_RSA_SIGN1 =(0x01) |
static final byte | EFT_EMV_OP_CSR_VISA =(0x01) |
static final byte | EFT_EMV_OP_CSR_MASTER =(0x02) |
static final byte | EFT_EMV_OP_CSR_ELO =(0x03) |
static final int | CORE_P_ISO_9796_USER_ID_LEN =(32) |
static final int | CORE_P_ISO_9796_USER_NAME_LEN =(32) |
static final int | CORE_P_ISO_9796_KEY_LEN =(512) |
static final int | CORE_P_ISO_9796_MIN_KEY_LEN =(64) |
static final int | CORE_P_ISO_9796_EXPONENT_LEN =(8) |
static final int | CORE_P_ISO_9796_MIN_EXPONENT_LEN =(1) |
static final byte | PBC_EMV_PIN_BLOCK_OP_COMMON =(EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_COMMON) |
static final byte | PBC_EMV_PIN_BLOCK_OP_MCHIP =(EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_MCHIP) |
static final byte | PBC_EMV_PIN_BLOCK_OP_VISA =(EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_VISA) |
static final byte | PBC_EMV_PIN_BLOCK_OP_ELO =(EMV_OP_ISO_9797_1_M2_ELO) |
static final int | PBC_EMV_PIN_BLOCK_MAX_OUTPUT =(64) |
static final byte | EMV_DERIVE_KEY_OP_XOR =(0x01) |
static final byte | EMV_DERIVE_KEY_OP_ECB =(0x02) |
static final byte | CORE_P10_CSR_VERSION1 =(0x00) |
static final int | CORE_P10_CSR_DN_MAX_LEN =(2048) |
static final int | P10_CSR_DER =(1) |
static final int | P10_CSR_PEM =(2) |
static final int | CORE_P8_EXPORT_PWD_LEN =(16) |
static final int | ND_SPB_MSG_HEADER_V2_LEN =(588) |
static final int | ND_SPB_MAX_NOTIFY_DATA_SEG =(32 * 1024) |
static final int | ND_SPB_USE_CIP1 =(0x80000000) |
static final int | ND_SPB_HASH_MODE_SHA1 =(0x02) |
static final int | ND_SPB_HASH_MODE_SHA256 =(0x03) |
static final int | ND_SPB_REMOVE_PADDING =(0x01) |
static final int | ND_SPB_OUT_NO_PADDING =(0x01) |
static final int | ND_SPB_OUT_WITH_PADDING =(0x02) |
static final int | ND_SPB_ISPB_LEN =(8) |
static final int | ND_SPB_CA_LEN =(2) |
static final int | ND_SPB_DOMAIN_MAX_LEN =(5) |
static final int | ND_SPB_SN_MAX_LEN =(32) |
static final int | ND_SPB_ID_MAX_LEN =(ND_SPB_SN_MAX_LEN + 1 + ND_SPB_CA_LEN + 1) |
static final int | ND_SPB_MAX_SUBJECT =(1024) |
static final int | ND_SPB_MAX_ISSUER =(1024) |
static final int | ND_SPB_MAX_ALG_ID =(256) |
static final int | SA_TP_MAX_DES_LEN =(16 + 1) |
static final int | SA_TP_MAX_OFFSET_LEN =(6 + 1) |
static final int | SA_TP_MAX_SERIAL_LEN =(10 + 1) |
static final int | SA_TP_MAX_MKEY_LEN =(32 + 1) |
static final int | SA_TP_MAX_OTP_LEN =(6 + 1) |
static final int | SA_HOTP_CHAP_LEN =(10) |
static final int | ND_OATH_PWD_ENV_LEN =(16) |
static final int | ND_OATH_ENC_SEED_BLOB_LEN =(32) |
static final int | ND_OATH_ENC_MOB_SEED =(32) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_MIN_OTP_LEN =(6) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_MAX_OTP_LEN =(16) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_MAX_OTP_RETRY =(129) |
static final byte | ISSUE_OATH_SHA1_LEN =(20) |
static final byte | ISSUE_OATH_SHA256_LEN =(32) |
static final byte | ISSUE_OATH_SHA512_LEN =(64) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_DEFAULT_TIME_STEP =(OATH_SA_v2_default_TIME_STEP) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_HOTP_TS =(0) |
static final long | ISSUE_OATH_HOTP_T0 =(OATH_SA_v2_default_T0_Epoch) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_INIT_MF =(0) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_OUTPUT_BLOB_LEN =(160) |
static final int | OATH_MAX_PSK_LEN =(255) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_GENERATE_HOTP =(1) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_GENERATE_TOTP =(2) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_IMPORT_HOTP =(3) |
static final int | ISSUE_OATH_IMPORT_TOTP =(4) |
static final int | DEFAULT_PORT =(4433) |
static final int | LST_NO_FILTER =(1) |
static final int | LST_FILTER =(2) |
static final int | SPB_GENERATE_KEY_NAME =(1) |
static final int | SPB_GENERATE_CER_NAME =(2) |
static final int | D_IPF_ENABLE =(1) |
static final int | D_IPF_DISABLE =(2) |
static final int | D_IPF_LIST =(33) |
static final int | D_IPF_ADD =(44) |
static final int | D_IPF_DEL =(55) |
static final int | NEW_DUKPT_MODE_DUK =(0x00000000) |
static final int | NEW_DUKPT_MODE_EXP =(1 << 31) |
static final int | NEW_DUKPT_MODE_DE =(1 << 30) |
static final int | NEW_DUKPT_MODE_PEK =(1 << 29) |
static final int | NEW_DUKPT_MODE_MEK =(1 << 28) |
static final int | NEW_DUKPT_MODE_TMP =(1 << 27) |
static final int | DN_GEN_KEY_KDF_RAW_SECRET =(0x01) |
static final int | DN_EC_MAX_BIG_NUM =(1024) |
static final int | DN_EC_KEY_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_DEFINED =(0) |
static final int | DN_EC_KEY_FIELD_TYPE_PRIME_FIELD =(1) |
static final int | DN_EC_KEY_FIELD_TYPE_BINARY_FIELD =(2) |
static final int | DN_BN_2_ARRAY_OUT_BIN =(1) |
static final int | DN_BN_2_ARRAY_OUT_HEX =(2) |
static final int | DN_EC_KEY_IN_FORMAT_DER =(1) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_A =(0) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_B =(1) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_COFACTOR =(2) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_ORDER =(3) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_P =(4) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_GEN_X =(5) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_GEN_Y =(6) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_PUB_POINT_X =(7) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_PUB_POINT_Y =(8) |
static final int | J_DN_EC_ARRAY_INDEX_PRIV_VALUE =(7) |
static final int | DN_USR_A_TOKEN_KLEN =(16) |
static final int | DN_RND_CHAP_LEN =(16) |
static final byte | DN_A_TOKEN_OP_ISSUE =(1) |
static final byte | DN_A_TOKEN_OP_REVOKE =(2) |
static final byte | DN_A_TOKEN_OP_LIST =(3) |
static final byte | DN_A_TOKEN_OP_L_ISSUE =(4) |
static final byte | DN_A_TOKEN_OP_L_REVOKE =(5) |
static final long | DN_A_TOKEN_INFINITE =(~0) |
static final int | J_DN_A_TOKEN_LEN =(32) |
static final int | J_DN_A_TOKEN_FULL_LEN =(J_DN_A_TOKEN_LEN+8) |
static final int | DN_HASH_OFFLINE =(1) |
static final int | DN_ATOKEN_CACHE_GET_COUNT =(0) |
static final int | DN_ATOKEN_CACHE_GC =(1) |
static |
static |
native String J_DGetErrorString | ( | int | jnErrorValue | ) |
static |
native String J_DGetLibVersion | ( | int | jdwFlags | ) |
native String J_DGetJNIVersion | ( | int | jdwFlags | ) |
String J_DGetJNIJarVersion | ( | ) |
native String J_DGetHsmInfo | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
int | dwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGetHsmInfoByte | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
int | dwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native long [] J_DGetHsmInfoLong | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
int | dwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
synchronized native int J_DOpenSession | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
int | jnPort, | ||
String | jszUserId, | ||
String | jszPassword, | ||
String | jszAddr, | ||
int | jnFlags | ||
) |
synchronized native int J_DOpenSessionOtp | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
int | jnPort, | ||
String | jszUserId, | ||
String | jszPassword, | ||
String | jszOtp, | ||
String | jszAddr, | ||
int | jnFlags | ||
) |
synchronized native int J_DOpenSessionAtoken | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
int | jnPort, | ||
byte[] | jbaAToken, | ||
String | jszAddr, | ||
int | jnFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DCloseSession | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
int | jnFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DCRLCertCheck | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszCRL, | ||
String | jszCertId, | ||
String | jszVerifyInfo | ||
) |
static |
static |
native int J_DCreateHash | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
int | jnAlgId, | ||
byte[] | jhKey, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jhHash | ||
) |
native int J_DSetHashParam | ( | byte[] | jhHash, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
int | jdwDataLen, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGetHashParam | ( | byte[] | jhHash, |
int | jdwparam, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DHashData | ( | byte[] | jhHash, |
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
int | jdwDatalen, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DHashData | ( | byte[] | jhHash, |
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
int | jdwOffset, | ||
int | jdwDatalen, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DDestroyHash | ( | byte[] | jhHash | ) |
native int J_DECParam2AlgId | ( | byte[] | jbaECParam, |
int | jdwECParamLen, | ||
int[] | jnaAlgId, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DECPubKeyDER2AlgId | ( | byte[] | jbaECPubKeyDER, |
int | jdwECPubKeyDERLen, | ||
int[] | jnaAlgId, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DGenerateKey | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
int | jnAlgId, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jhKey | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGenerateKeyMaterial | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
int | jnAlgId, | ||
int | jdwReserved, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DGetUserKey | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jhKey | ||
) |
native int J_DGetUserKeyOffline | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
int | jnAlgId, | ||
boolean | jbTempKey, | ||
byte[] | jbaPubKey, | ||
int | jdwPubKeyLen, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jhKey | ||
) |
native int J_DDestroyKey | ( | byte[] | jhKey, |
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DRemoveObj | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszObjId | ||
) |
native String [] J_DListObjs | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native String J_DGetKeyParam | ( | byte[] | jhKey, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
int[] | jnaDataSize, | ||
int[] | jdwaData, | ||
boolean[] | jboaData, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DSetKeyParam | ( | byte[] | jhKey, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
int | jdwDataSize, | ||
int | jdwData, | ||
boolean | jboData, | ||
String | jszData, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DWriteFile | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszFileId, | ||
int | jdwFileSize, | ||
byte[] | jbaData | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DReadFile | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszObjId, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DImportKey | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
byte[] | jhKEKey, | ||
int | jdwBlobType, | ||
int | jnAlgId, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
int | jdwDataLen, | ||
byte[] | jhKey | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DExportKey | ( | byte[] | jhKey, |
byte[] | jhKEKey, | ||
int | jdwBlobType, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DImportPKCS12 | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszPkcs12File, | ||
String | jszPkcs12Pwd, | ||
String | jszKeyId, | ||
int | jdwKeyAttr, | ||
String | jszCertId | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DPKCS8ExportKey | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
String | jszSecret, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DPKCS8ImportKey | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
String | jszSecret, | ||
int | jnAlgId, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
int | jdwDataLen | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DSignXml | ( | byte[] | jhKey, |
byte[] | jhHash, | ||
String | jszCertId, | ||
int | jnUnsignedXml, | ||
byte[] | jbaUnsignedXml, | ||
int[] | jnaSignedXmlSize, | ||
int | jnFilterSize, | ||
byte[] | jbaFilter, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DVerifySignedXml | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
String | jszCertsId, | ||
int | jnSignedXmlSize, | ||
byte[] | jbaSignedXml, | ||
int | jnFilterSize, | ||
byte[] | jbaFilter | ||
) |
native int J_DVerifySignedXmlEx | ( | byte[] | jphSession, |
String | jszCertsId, | ||
int | jnSignedXmlSize, | ||
byte[] | jbaSignedXml, | ||
int | jnFilterSize, | ||
byte[] | jbaFilter, | ||
String | jszCrl | ||
) |
native int J_DEncrypt | ( | byte[] | jhKey, |
byte[] | jhHash, | ||
int | jbFinal, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jbaDec, | ||
int | jdwBuffLen, | ||
int[] | jdwaDecLen | ||
) |
native int J_DDecrypt | ( | byte[] | jhKey, |
byte[] | jhHash, | ||
int | jbFinal, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jbaEnc, | ||
int[] | jdwEncLen | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DEncrypt | ( | byte[] | jhKey, |
byte[] | jhHash, | ||
int | jbFinal, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jbaDec, | ||
int | jdwOffset, | ||
int | jdwDatalen, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DSignHash | ( | byte[] | jhHash, |
byte[] | jhKey, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DVerifySignature | ( | byte[] | jHash, |
byte[] | jbaSignature, | ||
int | jnSigLen, | ||
byte[] | jhKey, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DuplicateHash | ( | byte[] | jhHash, |
int | jdwFlags, | ||
byte[] | jphHash | ||
) |
native int J_GetRandom | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
int | jdwDataLen | ||
) |
native int J_DGenEcdhKey | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwOP, | ||
String | jszPriKey, | ||
byte[] | jbaInData, | ||
int | jdwInDataLen, | ||
byte[] | jbaOutData, | ||
int[] | jdwaOutDataLen, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DCreateUser | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszUserId, | ||
String | jszPassword, | ||
int | jdwAuthMask | ||
) |
native int J_DRemoveUser | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszUserId | ||
) |
native String [] J_DListUsers | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DSetUserParameter | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
int | jdwData, | ||
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
String | jszData, | ||
int | jdwDataLen, | ||
String | jszUserId, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DGetUserParameter | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
String | jszUserId, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DGetStatInfo | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int[] | jdwaSessions, | ||
int[] | jdwaCPU, | ||
int[] | jdwaUnit, | ||
int[] | jdwaMemTotal, | ||
int[] | jdwaMemUsed, | ||
int[] | jdwaSwapTotal, | ||
int[] | jdwaSwapUsed | ||
) |
native HSMAllInfo J_DGetAllInfo | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DBackupData | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszBackupFile, | ||
String | jszPassword, | ||
int | jnDirection | ||
) |
native int J_DGetStatLogSize | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DTruncateLog | ( | byte[] | jhSession | ) |
native byte [] J_DGetStatLog | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwStart, | ||
int | jdwOffset, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native String J_DLogLineFormat | ( | String | jszIn, |
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DAdmOperation | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native byte [][] J_DManageAToken | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | jbOP, | ||
byte[] | jbaATokenFull, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DManageATokenCache | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwOP, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DEFTExportKey | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | bExportMode, | ||
String | jszKEKId, | ||
String | jszKeyId, | ||
byte[] | jbaEncryptedBlock, | ||
int[] | jdwaEncryptedBlockLen, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyCheckValue, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native int J_DGetUserAcl | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszUser, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DOATHIssueBlob | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszMasterKeyId, | ||
int | jdwParamBlobType, | ||
byte | jbSeedLen, | ||
byte[] | jbaSeed, | ||
byte | jbTruncationOffset, | ||
int | jwTimeStep, | ||
long | jlT0, | ||
byte | jbUseDefaultMovingFactor, | ||
long | jlMovingFactor, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native String J_DOATHGetNextOTP | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszMasterKeyId, | ||
byte | jbOtpLen, | ||
byte[] | jbaOATHBlob, | ||
int | jdwOATHBlobLen, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DOATHCheckOTP | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszMasterKeyId, | ||
String | jszOTP, | ||
byte[] | jbaOATHBlob, | ||
int | jdwOATHBlobLen, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DOATHBlobResync | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszMasterKeyId, | ||
String | jszOTP1, | ||
String | jszOTP2, | ||
byte[] | jbaOATHBlob, | ||
int | jdwOATHBlobLen, | ||
int | jdwFlags, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DOATHGetBlobSeed | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszMasterKeyId, | ||
byte[] | jbaOATHBlob, | ||
int | jdwOATHBlobLen, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DOATHResync | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszUser, | ||
String | jszOTP1, | ||
String | jszOTP2, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native int J_DUnassignToken | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
int | jdwParam, | ||
String | jszUserId | ||
) |
native int J_DAssignToken | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszUserId, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
byte | jbType, | ||
byte | jbKeyLen, | ||
byte[] | jbaKey, | ||
byte | jbTruncation_offset, | ||
int | jwTime_step, | ||
long | jlT0 | ||
) |
native String J_DSPBCalculateObjectId | ( | String | jszISPB, |
String | jszDomain, | ||
int | jdwKeyType, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native String J_DSPBGenerateKey | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszID, | ||
int | jdwKeyParam, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DSPBGenerateCSR | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszPrivateKeyName, | ||
byte | jbVersion, | ||
String | jszSPBSubject, | ||
int | jdwOutType, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DSPBImportPKCS12 | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | jbActivate, | ||
String | jszReserved, | ||
String | jszPkcs12File, | ||
String | jszPkcs12Pwd, | ||
String | jszDomain, | ||
int | jdwKeyAttr | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DExportPKCS12 | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszPkcs12Pwd, | ||
String | jszKeyId, | ||
String | jszCertId, | ||
String | jszReserved, | ||
int | jdwReserved, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DSPBImportCertificate | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | jbActivate, | ||
String | jszUser, | ||
byte[] | jbaCertificate, | ||
int | jdwCertificateLen, | ||
String | jszDomain, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native int J_DSPBActivateCertificate | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszIdCert, | ||
String | jszDomain, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DSPBGetCertificate | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszIdCert, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DSPBSetISPBMap | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszISPB, | ||
String | jszKeyId, | ||
String | jszCertId, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native int J_DSPBEncodeInit | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszSrcISPB, | ||
String | jszDstISPB, | ||
int | jdwTotalDataLen, | ||
byte | jbErrorCode, | ||
byte | jbSpecialTreatment, | ||
byte[] | jhSPBCtx, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native int J_DSPBEncodeCont | ( | byte[] | jhSPBCtx, |
byte[] | jbaDataIn, | ||
int | jdwDataInLen, | ||
byte[] | jbaDataOut, | ||
int[] | jdwaDataOutLen | ||
) |
native int J_DSPBEncodeEnd | ( | byte[] | jhSPBCtx, |
byte[] | jbaSPBHeader, | ||
int[] | jdwaSPBHeaderLen | ||
) |
native int J_DSPBDecodeInit | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszSrcISPB, | ||
String | jszDstISPB, | ||
byte[] | jbaHeader, | ||
int | jdwHeaderLen, | ||
byte | jbAcceptExpiredCert, | ||
byte | jbAutoUpdateCert, | ||
int | jdwMessageDataLen, | ||
byte[] | jhSPBCtx, | ||
int | jdwFlags | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DSPBDecodeCont | ( | byte[] | jhSPBCtx, |
byte[] | jbaDataIn, | ||
int | jdwDataInLen, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DSPBDecodeEnd | ( | byte[] | jhSPBCtx | ) |
native String J_DGenerateCVV | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
String | jszExpirationDate, | ||
String | jszServiceCode, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
DGenerateCVV Gera um CVV (Card Verification Value), CVV2 ou iCVV utilizando uma chave dentro do HSM.
- Parâmetros
jhSession Session handle generated by J_DOpenSession jszKeyId Key name jszPAN PAN (Primary Account Number) jszExpirationDate Expiration Date jszServiceCode Service Code jdwParam Reserved for future use. 0 must be passed jnaNativeReturn Return value of the native call
- Retorna
- Returns the CVV generated
native int J_DVerifyCVV | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
String | jszExpirationDate, | ||
String | jszServiceCode, | ||
String | jszCVV, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
- Parâmetros
jhSession Session handle generated by J_DOpenSession jszKeyId Key name jszPAN PAN (Primary Account Number) jszExpirationDate Expiration Date jszServiceCode Service Code jszCVV CVV to be verified jdwParam Reserved for future use. 0 must be passed
- Retorna
- Returns 0 for success or non 0 for error
native String [] J_DGeneratePIN | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszPGK, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
int | jdwOperation, | ||
int | jnPinLen, | ||
String | jszInPin, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
Generate a PIN.
- Parâmetros
jhSession Session handle generated by J_DOpenSession jszPGK PGK name jszPAN PAN jdwOperation Operation type jnPinLen Output PIN Length jszInPin Input PIN jdwParam Reserved for future use. 0 Must be passed. jnaNativeReturn Return value of the native call return value.
- Retorna
- Returns a String array of size 2 indexed this way:
0 - Offset
1 - Output PIN
native byte [] J_DPINBlockTranslate | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszSrcPEK, | ||
String | jszDstPEK, | ||
int | jnTransBlockType, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
byte[] | jbaInPinBlock, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
Translate a PIN Block.
- Parâmetros
jhSession Session handle generated by J_DOpenSession jszSrcPEK Source PEK (Pin Encryption Key) jszDstPEK Destination PEK (Pin Encryption Key) jnTransBlockType Translation block type jszPAN PAN(Primary Account Number) jbaInPinBlock Input PIN Block jdwParam Reserved for future use. 0 Must be passed. jnaNativeReturn Return value of the native call return value.
- Retorna
- Returns a byte array containing the translated PIN Block.
native int J_DVerifyPINBlock | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszPTK, | ||
String | jszPGK, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
String | jszOffset, | ||
byte[] | jbaInPinBlock, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
Verify a PIN Block.
- Parâmetros
jhSession Session handle generated by J_DOpenSession jszPTK PTK(PIN Transport Key) jszPGK PGK(PIN Generation Key) jszPAN PAN(Primary Account Number) jszOffset PIN Offset jbaInPinBlock Input PIN Block jdwParam Reserved for future use. 0 Must be passed
- Retorna
- Returns 0 for success or non 0 for error
native int J_DEFTCheckKeyParts | ( | int | jnKeyAlgId, |
byte[] | jbaKeyPart1, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPartCheck1, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPart2, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPartCheck2, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPart3, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPartCheck3, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyFinalCheck, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native int J_DEFTImportKey | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
int | jnKeyAlgId, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPart1, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPartCheck1, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPart2, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPartCheck2, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPart3, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyPartCheck3, | ||
byte[] | jbaKeyFinalCheck, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native String J_DGenerateDUKPT | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte[] | jbaKSI, | ||
byte[] | jbaDID_CTR, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native String J_DGenerateBDKName | ( | byte[] | jbaKSI, |
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native String J_DGenerateDUKPTName | ( | byte[] | jbaKSI, |
byte[] | jbaDID_CTR, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DEFTExportZPK | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
int[] | jnaKeyAlgId, | ||
int[] | jnaKeySize, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native String J_DGeneratePVV | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszPGK, | ||
byte | jbPVKI, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
String | jszPIN, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGenerateDAC | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszIMKDAC, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
byte[] | jbaSEQ, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DVerifyDAC | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszIMKDAC, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
byte[] | jbaSEQ, | ||
byte[] | jbaDAC, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DSignSDA | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszIK, | ||
byte[] | jbaDAC, | ||
int | jdwSDA_DATALen, | ||
byte[] | jbaSDA_DATA, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGenerateDDA_ICCCert | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | jbOP, | ||
String | jszIK, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
int | jdwDDA_DATALen, | ||
byte[] | jbaDDA_DATA, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGenerateICCMK | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | jbOP, | ||
String | jszIK, | ||
String | jszKeK, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
byte[] | jbaSEQ, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGenerateEMV_HMAC | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | jbOP, | ||
String | jszIK, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
byte[] | jbaSEQ, | ||
byte[] | jbaNONCE, | ||
int | jdwDataLen, | ||
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DCheckIDN | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszIK, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
byte[] | jbaSEQ, | ||
byte[] | jbaATC, | ||
byte[] | jbaUN, | ||
byte[] | jbaIDN, | ||
int | jdwParam | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DEncryptEMV | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | jbEncOP, | ||
String | jszEncIK, | ||
byte[] | jbaEncNONCE, | ||
byte | jbMacOP, | ||
String | jszMacIK, | ||
byte[] | jbaMacNONCE, | ||
String | jszPAN, | ||
byte[] | jbaSEQ, | ||
int | jdwDataLen, | ||
byte[] | jbaData, | ||
byte[] | pbMAC, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGenerateEMV_CSR | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | jbOP, | ||
String | jszIK, | ||
byte[] | jbaTrackNum, | ||
byte[] | jbaServiceID, | ||
byte[] | jbaIssuerID, | ||
byte[] | jbaExpDate, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGenerateEMV_CSREx | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
byte | jbOP, | ||
String | jszIK, | ||
byte[] | jbaTrackNum, | ||
byte[] | jbaServiceID, | ||
byte[] | jbaIssuerID, | ||
byte[] | jbaExpDate, | ||
byte[] | jbaHash, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DMAC_ISO9797_1_Met2 | ( | int | jdwType, |
byte[] | jbaKey, | ||
int | jdwAlg, | ||
byte[] | jbaMsg, | ||
int | jdwMsgLen, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DPKCS7Sign | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszKeyName, | ||
String | jszKeyCert, | ||
String | jszCerts, | ||
int | jdwAttrib, | ||
byte[] | jbaContent, | ||
int | jdwContentLen, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
native int J_DGenerateMapObj | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszMapId, | ||
String | jszObj1Id, | ||
int | jnObj1AlgId, | ||
String | jszObj2Id, | ||
int | jnObj2AlgId | ||
) |
native int J_DRemoveMapObj | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszMapObjId | ||
) |
native byte [] J_DGeneratePKCS10CSR | ( | byte[] | jhSession, |
String | jszKeyId, | ||
byte | jbVersion, | ||
String | jszDN, | ||
int | jdwOutType, | ||
int | jdwParam, | ||
int[] | jnaNativeReturn | ||
) |
Exports a PKCS#10 CSR object.
- Parâmetros
jhSession Session handle generated by J_DOpenSession
.jszKeyId Name of the RSA key in the HSM. jbVersion Reserved for future use. Any value will be ignored for now. jszDN Choosen DN by the issuer entity. jdwOutType Reserved for future use. Any value will be ignored for now. jdwParam Reserved for future use. 0 Must be passed. jnaNativeReturn Return value of the DGeneratePKCS10CSR
- Retorna
- Returns an array of bytes representing the PKCS#10 CSR exported object.
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static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
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static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
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static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
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static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
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static |
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static |
static |
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static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
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static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
"may the Force be with ya'!"
static |
delete objects
static |
read obj content
static |
list usr objs
static |
create obj
static |
update obj =(hdr and alike);
static |
update obj
static |
create usr
static |
makes no sense only to create
static |
can usr use remote log/info?
static |
can usr get user-list?
static |
operate as master =(adm mode);
static |
extract full appliance backup
static |
restore full appliance backup
static |
firmware and stuff like that
static |
user must be authorized with "m of n"
static |
presence means SA (user must use 2-F OTP)
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
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static |
static |
static |
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static |
static |
static |
static |
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static |
static |
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static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |