Simplify and save with DINAMO NETWORKS digital certificate solution, implementing your own certification infrastructure in an automated and secure way.
Automate and simplify the management of digital certificates in your company.
DINAMO Networks' digital certificate solution allows you to generate savings for your company by
internally implement a Certification and Registration Authority infrastructure, to
issuance of digital certificates.
Through our solution, it is possible to import pre-registered users in an automated way. Everything to facilitate the digital process for your organization and your customers.
The best way to process credit card movements credit with complete confidence that everyone involved is authentic.
Digital Certificates in the ICP-Brazil Standard;
Lifecycle management of Digital Certificates.
Support for generating certification trees,
Creating multi-company structures;
Support for X-509 certificates;
TLS/SSL certificates
The as-a-service security solution for companies that want to pay by volume of operations. Cryptographic security and key safekeeping guaranteed by FIPS 140-2 approved DINAMO HSM devices.
A maximum security solution with exclusive DINAMO HSM FIPS 140-2 devices 100% dedicated to your operation, within our infrastructure. Choose your high availability solution according to the performance you need.
Hire a secure environment for approving and developing your applications and systems with DINAMO HSM FIPS 140-2 devices available in our infrastructure.
Have DINAMO HSM FIPS 140-2 in your own structure or that of your partners, on a subscription basis. Define the model and quantity of equipment and contract for as long as you need. Simple and practical.
Talk to DINAMO Networks, specialists in digital identity security and cryptography
Av. Nações Unidas, 14401 - 7th floor
Tarumã - 04794 000 - São Paulo
A DINAMO Networks é uma empresa brasileira, que atua há mais de 20 anos no mercado, oferecendo uma linha completa de produtos e serviços em Segurança da Informação, promovendo total sigilo e garantia de usabilidade dos dados organizacionais, sem a perda de tempo nos processos e nos custos operacionais.
HSM DINAMO Pocket (Comodato/Locação) + Suporte Técnico 5 x 8 e Manutenção (Suporte restrito ao armazenamento do Certificado Code Signing).
Público-Alvo: Pequenas, médias e grandes empresas.
Solução economicamente vantajosa no caso de armazenamento de múltiplos
Certificados Code Signing.
Plano Mensal
HSM DINAMO Pocket Aquisição – Inclui suporte 5 X 8 (Suporte restrito ao armazenamento do Certificado Code Signing no primeiro ano e 20% de desconto à partir do 2 ano).
Público-Alvo: Pequenas, médias e grandes empresas.
Solução economicamente vantajosa no caso de armazenamento de múltiplos Certificados Code Signing.
Pagamento Único.