


Eliminate paper, digitally sign your documents with high performance and total security to guarantee savings, agility in high volumes and legal validity.

Create, manage and securely store your company's security keys

With Signer, your company gains agility, practicality and security when it comes to digitally signing documents. The solution can be integrated with various systems quickly and easily. The entire digital signature process is carried out via webservices, through DINAMO SuperCloud or in the On Premises model, with an HSM (Hardware Security Modules) allocated to your company.

The solution follows the ITI / ICP-Brasil digital signature specifications, providing legality to the processing of digital signatures and complies with the CADES, PADES and XADES standards, accessible via REST-API. In addition to ICP-Brasil certificates, the signer accepts certificates issued by private CAs.

The API solution can come with a complete digital signature portal (interface), which can also have additional options (issuing certificates, private CA, biometric recognition solution, systems integration) with specific offers for use in the industry. (DINAMO NF-e), Health (DINAMO PEP) and Education (DINAMO Diploma).

Avoid fraud and data leaks.

Speed and high performance for your business to gain time and agility

Legal validity and transaction of documents in a simple, effective, scalable and secure way.

Reduce costs in the use and storage of paper and gain agility in signature processes.

Use it for Electronic Patient Records (PEP), Digital Diplomas, NF-e and other documents.

Integrate easily and quickly with your company's internal systems. For the healthcare sector, a solution approved by the main WBS manufacturers.

Centrally manage and store your digital certificates for signing: support for private (private CA) or public (ICP-Brasil) X.509 certificates.

Count on the best performance rates for processing crypto transactions on the market.

Buy now


The as-a-service security solution for companies that want to pay by volume of operations. Cryptographic security and key safekeeping guaranteed by FIPS 140-2 approved DINAMO HSM devices.


A maximum security solution with exclusive DINAMO HSM FIPS 140-2 devices 100% dedicated to your operation, within our infrastructure. Choose your high availability solution according to the performance you need.


Hire a secure environment for approving and developing your applications and systems with DINAMO HSM FIPS 140-2 devices available in our infrastructure.

On Premise


Have DINAMO HSM FIPS 140-2 in your own structure or that of your partners, on a subscription basis. Define the model and quantity of equipment and contract for as long as you need. Simple and practical.

Talk to DINAMO Networks, specialists in digital identity security and cryptography

Av. Nações Unidas, 14401 - 7th floor

Tarumã - 04794 000 - São Paulo


HSM Pocket - Locação


HSM DINAMO Pocket (Comodato/Locação) + Suporte Técnico 5 x 8 e Manutenção (Suporte restrito ao armazenamento do Certificado Code Signing).

Público-Alvo: Pequenas, médias e grandes empresas.

Solução economicamente vantajosa no caso de armazenamento de múltiplos

Certificados Code Signing.

Plano Mensal

HSM Pocket - On Premise

HSM DINAMO Pocket Aquisição – Inclui suporte 5 X 8 (Suporte restrito ao armazenamento do Certificado Code Signing no primeiro ano e 20% de desconto à partir do 2 ano).

Público-Alvo: Pequenas, médias e grandes empresas.

Solução economicamente vantajosa no caso de armazenamento de múltiplos Certificados Code Signing.

Pagamento Único.